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Delivering Data-Driven Value

How far has your organization gone in its use of data? Is quality data readily available when needed? Data is everywhere. But much less common are companies that use data to transform what they do and how they do it.

Large companies get overwhelmed by the complexity of the task. Small companies don’t have time for it.

Why work with me

I believe that true innovation requires wisdom, not just knowledge or data.

By integrating advanced data analytics into their operations, I help organizations transform from the inside out.

3 Different Ways I Can Help You

Courses in
Data & AI

Certify your teams in Data & AI: As a Microsoft Partner I can train your teams and get them certified on Data & AI. Remote or on-site.

Ready-to-use dashboards SMBs

Build custom dashboards: Get the KPIs you need to drive your business. I build custom dashboards for you so that you don’t have to.


Transform your organization: I guide large companies during their transformation towards a Data Mesh or Lakehouse solution.